For the year.. I am done. I ended up doing the Korean girl for almost two hours and I think I did a pretty good job. I get the feeling she will want me to do again in the future. And while doing her I had another girl text me for a booty call but I just can’t satisfy everyone. I need to take a vacation and come back refreshed. I’ll spend time with my favorite girls in the meatime.
So I am here at a starbucks killing time while waiting to hook up with a Korean “MILF” (She is way younger than me but she is considered a MILF). I think after this one, I will be done for the year. It it after all the 28th, so I’m good and I will be breaking my record of 8 new girls in one mothh.. she will be my 9th.
If I didn’t have to work. I would probably be able to do 80-100 girls a year just doing what I’m doing. I’ve been really good at this, I can outfuck a lot of people out there.
I just had sex with a beautiful 21 yo but I have this opportunity with a pretty BBW. She is bigger than what I am used to but I figure what the heck, it’s almost New Years so might as well close out 2009 with a bang!! She will be the 8th this month and if I have time, I’ll do a hot Korean MILF this week for the 9th. I just need to make enough time for all this pussy.. might have to get some Viagra.
So tonight I came up with a powerful ad to fish for “leads” and I got several replies. And I ended up meeting this older married woman (husband doesn’t know) who told me she basically wasn’t getting any at home (bad long marriage unfortunately). She was blond, had very nice curves but a bit of a tummy. And I am sure she must have been really hot when younger. We got together at a hotel near her and we were at it for about 2-3 hours. She is by far the woman I’ve finger fucked the most ever.. My shoulder hurts I think from doing it for so long. But in the end she was a happy woman and I was able to accomplished another successful mission
So on that black book on gmail that I have the number goes up to 43 and this was my 7th session in the month of December with a new woman. I am on a roll but I am taking time off and just meeting previous girls I’ve kept in touch with to finish the year.
I grew up back in the days where the “black book” meant the list of all the hook up a man had. I suppose guys wrote all the information of the girls they would have sexual flings with on one little address book. But since it is a physical object, it was always subject to destruction by jealous girlfriends, impaired judgment, etc. But with the internet and especially with gmail, we now have the very best tool to keep your contacts safely off your premises. Not only that but you can keep count of all the women you’ve had, dates, etc. To give you an example, here is a screen shot of my “black book”.

My tracking for 2009
As you can see, I created a label called “Done Deal”. What that means is that all contacts from my internet encounters that have ended in sex get that label. So for instance, the girl I met last night I labeled it so it will show in this folder when I press it. And in it, I can track the dates that I met the girl and most importantly have all the contact and usually pictures as well. You can see that for the year I have 42 contacts labeled and 6 in the month of December alone. That translates into 6 encounters with new girls for this month, 42 encounters by email in 2009. Not too shabby
Now think about how useful this is. In the future, I can just email, call, text any of the girls on my lists. Recall their profile and basically meet them again (if they are single and in the mood of course). This is useful technology I wish I would have had when I first started. I could have tracked almost everyone like this. But at least is not too late to start using this system and I share this with you in case you find this system useful.
Well, so she came over with the intention to only have oral and as the awesome salesperson that I am, I was able to upsell her into fucking.. and I did her bare too
I am just fucking good!!
Merry Xmas!
It’s Christmas eve and the girl I was supposed to be with did not make it to LA on time. So I started looking online and found a pretty Latina woman. She is coming over as I type and I will be “upselling” from oral to full sex. We’ll see..
What a week.. first let me go back to what happened last week. Remember I was talking about cheating women and my luck in finding them lately. Well, on Thursday last week I started to get several blocked calls. I thought it was strange since no voicemails were left and I guess this is coincidence but I was getting called while my friend was telling how it was a bad idea to give out my number to some of these women. The morning after someone called from an area code I recognized and I picked up. On the the other line was one of the boyfriends whose girlfriend I was doing few days before. He said he knew about me and that he was very upset. He sounded more sad than mad so I ended up having a 20 minute conversation with this guy and explaining to him why his girlfriend did what she did. I told him that when a man neglect his woman for too long, her natural reaction will be to seek out attention elsewhere. He went on about how hard he works, etc. but in the end, he wanted to wish “us” well but at the same time defend the way he was treating her as it was obvious to me he felt guilty of neglect on top of being upset.
I have been with more women having affairs recently that I can count. But I had never encounter a situation like this so this will serve as a wake up call. Going forward, I am giving zero personal information out and be as untraceable as possible. The last thing I need is a jealous boyfriend or husband come after me, that would just ruin my day. At the same time, I met this beautiful girl over the weekend who is half my age (yes I am that old already) and maybe I’ll just focus on her and avoid all these women having affairs.
And btw here is something to work your imagination