I want to say I am underestimating but I won’t be sure until I really sit down and break down the people I remember. Back in the late 1990’s, I started setting up gangbangs, group sex, orgies and I became known for them. So for a while there I was setting up sex events almost every week. But because I started doing porn videos in late 2001/early 2002 I stopped doing them as much. So technically I had about 150 weeks to set up these events and I’ve set them up until recently but less frequently so I would say it’s fair to say I have had sex with 150 women at least this way. Once I am done with the rest of the list I will revisit this section and the swinger clubs section to see how much I actually remember. But I’d say this is about accurate.
Now I still need to add many girls I’ve met one one one and the porn girls. I am figuring about 400-600 porn girls and maybe another 100-150 girls off camera so I should be slightly over 1000. These girls I will break down one by one as I remember details on them more clearly and I have the pictures of 95% of the porn girls I’ve done so it will be easier to complete.
I think this is the hardest part as I think I have written down my other encounters or have some sort of track record like emails, pictures, videos of other women. The women I’ve met at swing clubs are mostly a blur but I know I have had sex with over 200 women at these swing clubs and at swing events that were not organized by me. Some of the swing clubs I have been to are:
- Wild Bill’s Panther Palace
- Sugar Hill
- Red Rooster
- LA couples
- The Forum
- Edgewater Motel
- Power Exchange in San Francisco and Oakland
- Erik’s club in Richmond
- Club in San Diego which name I can’t remember
- Trapeze in South Florida on University
- Tampa Bukkake Parties
- The Vault in New York – Technically not a swing club
- The Dungeon? in lower Manhattan – again not sure of the name
- Swing Club in Berlin – can’t remember the name
- The Castle which is a club in the border of Holland and Germany
- Firehouse club in Hamburg
- The Boat in Holland
So that’s 15 clubs (that I can remember) and I had sex in all of them with at least 1 new woman. Now, I went to a few of them almost weekly for a period of 3-4 years so if we figure 1 new woman per week I would arrive to about 200 and that’s how I came up with that number. I will try to break down the clubs by partners but it will be challenging.
I don’t remember if this was even around Melissa’s time but she contacted me thru my Yahoo group as well. She was a very curvy blonde bbw who was still very doable. I remember she told me she just had a passing in her family and she was technically depressed but for some reason she was horny as well (how and why women are the way they are is still a mystery to me). We met up at the Starbucks in Sherman Oaks and then we drove to a motel in Woodland Hills where I fucked her for just that night. I call her the Netzero woman because she was an executive there but since that was like 10 years ago, I assume Netzero was sold or out of business by now and she is not even there anymore so who cares.
I remember this girl who contacted me thru Yahoo groups about swinging where I first started my group on Yahoo. Her name was Melissa and she was a younger brunette BBW from Louisiana. I remember going to pick her up at her house in Anaheim (if I remember correctly) and then I got a hotel just around the corner from where she lived and I ended up fucking her there. I know I did her a few more times and I think she even moved to Silverlake eventually and I did her there too but my memory is fuzzy. I also took her to a swing club and even couple of my friends fucked her too. She was a nice educated girl, pretty on the face but on the bigger side.
I wish I could re-experience these adventures.. just the feeling of going into a new pussy is thrilling for me. Funny that although I have very high numbers there are a bulk of memories that are so faded is hard to enjoy in a way. That’s why I’ve always been saving and collecting pictures of girls I’ve been with to help me enjoy my memories better. In a way it’s so bizarre that me and I mean “ME” could have done some many women.. amazing stuff that I am sure will give me something to smile about the day I say good bye to this world. As one thing I can say is that I had a LOT of pussy
She was my first Vietnamese girl and quite possibly the first Chinese as well as she was ethnic Chinese from Vietnam (I am very specific on ethnicity as it makes it more interesting for me). I met Alina on AOL personals or AOL profiles, not sure which one it was but I remember she was the one that sent me an email and we got together shortly afterwards. I think we had phone sex first for a bit and by the time I went to meet her we were both ultra turned on. I remember as soon as I picked her up from her mom’s house she started grabbing my cock and we ended up parking just couple blocks away. She was so horny she just sat on my cock bareback and I probably even came in her a little because it was so hot. I was in the passenger seat sitting while she rode me like a horny slut. We were at it for quite sometime the first time and the windows were steamed from all that fucking. And after that one time, I kept on seeing her for a few months and she turned out to be one of the wildest and horniest women I’ve met to this day. She loved fucking outdoors and I fucked in dark alleys, at a dance club (in the middle of the dance floor I might add), etc. I stopped seeing her because she had a temper but she was a sexual dynamo who couldn’t get enough cock. She was 21 if I remember correctly and I was in my late 20’s when I met her. And I am sure if I sent her an email now, she would still be up for fucking regardless of whether she is married or with a boyfriend.

Viet Girl
The year was 1999 and in all honesty my memory is foggy. I guess it’s good I am doing this now as I am sure I would forget in a few years. The 62 girl is a black girl that contacted me from Yahoo personals as well. She was my first black girl (for sex that is as I dated another black woman but never slept with her) and I am glad it was her. She was a very pretty and petite, had a nice tight body and she was in her early 20’s if I remember correctly. We went out a few times but it was sexual relationship for all intent and purposes. She also (according to her) couldn’t have children or had the depo shot so I used to cum inside her all the time. I remember how it was kinda interesting seeing the color contrast of my cock going inside her. In a way I wished I would have fucked her a lot more but I am sure we got together at least half a dozen times if not more. And I wonder what ever happened to her :/
And here is a picture of Halle Berry not of the girl but she looked a lot like her. In fact, she could pass as her younger sister.

If I remember correctly the year was 1999 and I met Dawn on Yahoo Personals (which I just read the other it was being discontinued?). At that time, she was a few years older than I was. Maybe in her early/mid thirties, had almost white blond hair, slim and worked part time at a hostess club. Our first date was actually a visit to the hostess club and from the minute we saw each other she was immediately attracted to me. We talked just a little and then she took me in one of room and she got on top of me. Things got out of a hand a little and I pulled out my cock and she slipped in bareback inside her. I remember there were other people in the area and they weren’t sure if she was just griding me or what, as obviously one is not supposed to be having sex at a club. Especially, at a hostess club as they can lose their license. So after doing that for a few minutes we went outside to her car and we finished fucking there… what a first date that was.

Hostess Club
Eventually, we ended up having a very sexual relationship where I would go visit her 2-3 times a week just to fuck her. She wanted more than that, as a matter of fact, she wanted me to get her pregnant and when she saw I wasn’t going to do that she basically stopped calling me and started putting me off. Which I suppose was for the better.
“Bubbles” as she used to be known back then was probably around my 60th woman. And I think the first true nymphomaniac that I ever met. She used to have these wild sex parties with a lot of people and she became famous in the area for her being so extreme. There is an interesting story behind her but that is private. She re-appeared recently as a porn star under Cala Craves and the picture below was recent. I did her more than 10 years ago, in 1998 to be exact so imagine her back then. For being a “cougar”, she still looks pretty damn hot and she is still throwing parties.

So I jumped from 13 to 59 because I just added all paid sex women to the count. So 13 plus 45 would be 58. And I wish I had my old list around but I already forgot a lot of names. So as 59 I am adding a hot wife who was trying out swinging for the first time. She was around 40, a real estate broker and her husband knew of me fucking her. I wish I had a picture but I don’t
My recollection of my encounters with prostitutes is vague. But if I remember sort of counting my encounters about 10 years ago and at that time it was around 40 women give or take. These were mostly in my teen years and a few in my early 20’s. But as I matured, I just sort of lost the fascination or the need to fuck hookers. I think in the last 10 years, I’ve done maybe 1 or 2 and they were more for the “fuck of it”. So let’s just say I’ve been with 45 hookers my entire life..